Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed

B.K.S. Iyengar

New to Iyengar Yoga?

What to expect in an Iyengar Class

  • Most classes begin with a chant to honor Patanjali, the sage who compiled the classic yoga texts.
  • Time is spent on the development and proper alignment of each asana. Precisely guided verbal instruction and visual demonstration helps reinforce the learning.
  • Certified Iyengar teachers are trained to modify the classic asanas (yoga postures) for individual students.
  • Modifications often include the use of props such as blocks, blankets and belts. Using props can allow for a deeper understanding of the posture and improve the student’s comfort level.
  • Typically a class ends with Savasana, corpse pose or deep relaxation. Students learn to rest in a profound way, completely releasing the body while drawing the mind towards a state of peace within.

Where to Begin?

WELCOME HOUR – FREE 1 Hour Session

A brief look into Iyengar Yoga, learn about the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco, and enjoy a complimentary taste of an Iyengar Yoga class.

(See Workshop Schedule for the next session!)



8-12 week series in the Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring

Recommended for students new to yoga or to the Iyengar method. Students will learn basic actions in the introductory asana, develop strength, flexibility, awareness, and confidence. Each class of the course will build progressively throughout the quarter. Students are encouraged to sign-up for the entire series, however, drop-ins will be welcome provided there is space. Upon completion, students will be prepared to continue their learning in the semester-long Beginners Course.

Summer Yoga Practice



A 2 semester-long course designed to guide beginner students through the basics of Iyengar Yoga. This course will prepare you to attend All Levels classes comfortably with the knowledge of setting up the appropriate props and making modifications as necessary, along with the guidance of the teacher.  The program follows a specific syllabus outlined in the Teacher Guidelines. Distinct from an Introductory Course that is shorter (6-10 weeks) this program helps build a solid foundation on which to build a stable and sustainable practice.

 Yoga 102, Fall 2023 


Iyengar Yoga is a great organization. I’ve been extremely happy studying with Patti Martin there for years. I just referred a musician friend who is new to yoga to take Iyengar’s Yoga 101 class on recommendation of Patti. ~Jon F.


Dear IYISF Community -

We have exciting news! We have identified some potential new studio spaces to lease in San Francisco and continue to look for other possible options. We are currently negotiating with the landlords at a few properties but please know that this is an active, on-going process.

In preparation for a potential move, we are reorganizing and raising the funds necessary so that we may eventually close on leasing a new space for our community.  

Please consider donating to our 50th Anniversary Fund. Your donations support our ongoing operations, community programming, free community events and regional scholarships.

Thank you for being a valuable part of our community!

With Gratitude,
Your IYANC Board

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